Clery Reporting
Since Congress passed the Clery Act, campus law enforcement agencies have faced the daunting task of compiling the required information and calculating the complex statistics. The methods of compliance ranged from marks on a chalk board to multiple files with photocopies of reports. Still, is the information correct? The code regulating this act is clear:“Upon a determination pursuant to section 1094 (c)(3)(B) of this title that an institution of higher education has substantially misrepresented the number, location, or nature of the crimes required to be reported under this subsection, the Secretary shall impose a civil penalty upon the institution in the same amount and pursuant to the same procedures as a civil penalty is imposed under section 1094 (c)(3)(B) of this title.”
The Clery Compliance Center is an internal tool which helps to automate the compliance task by taking advantage of the existing data within your Call-Log, CAD, Dispatch Essentials, and RMS modules of Southern Software’s Public Safety suite.
- Web-based crime and fire logs
- Automate Clery Crime Statistics
- Hyperlink numbers that drill down into the details
- Delineation of Clery Geographic
- Statistics based on federal regulations and agency specs
- Clery Part I Offenses
- Arrests and Referrals
- Hate Crimes
- Quality Control for Hierarchy Rule and mandatory fields
- Title IX flagging
- CSA online forms